

Android Wear watch faces


User Interface and Interaction designer


B-Reel London

The Gucci brand is undoubtedly unique, frequently taking influence from all and everything, past, present and future, and all at once. This melting pot of influences and how they’re often layered, stacked and spliced together was the core direction for this (one of two) successfully presented concepts to assist Gucci with their first step into the world of smart watches.


Time was spent researching and collecting watch faces of both smart and analog watches. We then defined elements and designed a structure or system that the face designs could be built upon. It was established that the aesthetic would need to be visually eclectic and that a system of templates would allow for interchangeable elements to be interplaced together to form customisable or ‘look based’ watch faces.

Sketch symbol libraries provided a perfect lightweight and accurate solution for building these complex watch faces. Colour changes across patterns, motifs, symbols and emblems could be applied globally with a click of a button.


With the system in place and from just a select amount of elements, countless watch faces were created. With the ability to add or remove rings and details, the level of customization available was endless.


Eba Hult, Copy & Art Direction

Davor Krvavac, Creative Direction

Chris Davis, Motion

Maxwell Flood, Motion & Design

Pieter Konickx, Art Direction

Suchi Ahuja, Art Direction